Benign Stomach Tumor – Definition |
What is the benign stomach tumor?
The body is made-up of cells. When cell growth becomes abnormal, a tumor can result. A stomach tumor is an abnormal growth or mass in the area of the body called the abdominal region. This may include the stomach, abdominal wall or parts of the intestines. A biopsy is often needed to determine if an stomach tumor is benign or malignant. The tumor will be removed surgically. It is then examined by a pathologist, who is a doctor that specializes in examining the tissues of the body to diagnosis diseases.
Benign stomach tumors, although less serious than a malignant tumor, may still require treatment. If the tumor is large enough, it may interfere with regular functions, such as digestion; it may press on other organs and cause problems. Surgical removal of the tumor may be needed. Usually a benign stomach tumor will not grow back or require further treatment after removal.
Benign Stomach Tumor – Types and Cause |
What is the types of benign stomach tumor?
Individuals from all races can develop a benign stomach tumor. All sexes are equally susceptible to developing benign stomach tumors as well. However, the frequency and the type of benign stomach tumor that can develop in the sexes can vary. The type of benign stomach tumor that can develop also depends on the person’s age. Some children develop benign stomach tumors, however, more individuals in the elderly population develop benign stomach tumors than children.
A small benign stomach tumor usually does not exhibit symptoms. A large benign stomach tumor can become ulcerated and begin to bleed. When bleeding occurs it can cause the person to feel pain similar to what one would feel when they have a peptic ulcer. However, at times, a benign stomach tumor that bleeds may not be detected until the individual becomes anemic. A large benign stomach tumor can cause obstructions in the outlet of stomach. This condition can lead to nausea and vomiting. Larger benign stomach tumors are malignant more often than smaller ones.
Benign Stomach Tumor – Diagnosis |
What is the diagnosis for benign stomach tumor?
A large benign stomach tumor may be discovered when a person goes in for a checkup and the stomach is palpitated during the physical exam. Palpitations of the benign stomach tumor may cause the individual to experience abdominal tenderness. Often times a benign stomach tumor is discovered during a laparoscopy procedure being done for other reasons. Other discoveries can involve a computerized tomography scan or through x-rays evaluations performed on the upper gastrointestinal tract.
A benign stomach tumor can develop in all layers of the stomach wall. 40% of all benign stomach tumors are found in the mucosal wall of the stomach. 60% are non-mucosal stomach tumors and develop in the deep walls and interior of the stomach. Gastric polyps are frequently found above the plain of the mucosal surface of the stomach wall.
A benign stomach tumor is not life-threatening. One can easily be removed with little or no threat of recurrence. They malignant stomach tumor is a cancerous stomach tumor. A malignant stomach tumor can be removed from the stomach as well, but there is no guarantee that the cancerous growth will not return. Most of the time a malignant stomach tumor will protrude inside the stomach and can cause life-threatening complications. The exact cause of benign stomach tumors is not really known yet.
A malignant stomach tumor can affect the other organs around the stomach like the pancreas, the esophagus, the lymph nodes and the intestines. A malignant stomach tumor can also protrude into and affect the liver and lungs. The presence of a malignant stomach tumor can be diagnosed by endoscopic findings that reveal signs of malignancy such as one that has red coloring and other tell-tale signs of malignancy. An endoscopic ultrasound may also be done to diagnose a malignant stomach tumor. A radiologist and other oncology experts are the medical experts who diagnose whether a stomach tumor is benign or malignant. Malignant stomach tumors receive various types of treatments that include surgery, radiation, chemo therapy, etc. Benign stomach tumors can be surgically removed and no further treatment is necessary.
Most benign stomach tumors occur in the elderly. Benign stomach tumors in juveniles are very rare. They are usually associated with juvenile polyposis and the risk for them becoming stomach cancer is high.
Benign Stomach Tumor – Treatment |
What is the treatment for benign stomach tumor?
Surgical removal is the treatment of choice and maybe, local excision, subtotal or total gastrectomy. Some advises surgical excision, the probability of benign change being greater than the operative mortality risk. But some researcher makes a similar statement. In this series eight subtotal gastrectomies were done and the remaining four were treated by a local excision of the tumor. Benign tumors, although less serious than a malignant tumor, may still require treatment. If the tumor is large enough, it may interfere with regular functions, such as digestion; it may press on other organs and cause problems. Surgical removal of the tumor may be needed. Usually a benign stomach tumor will not grow back or require further treatment after removal.
If a benign stomach tumor is found to be malignant, surgery and additional treatment may be needed. Malignant abdominal tumors are often treated with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or both. The specific treatment protocol will vary depending on factors, such as, the size of the tumor, exact location and whether it has spread beyond the abdominal area.
Anytime an individual finds a lump in their abdominal area, it’s important to have it evaluated. Even if it’s small and is not causing any problems, it’s better to be cautious. If an abdominal tumor is malignant, an early diagnosis and prompt treatment may lead to a better prognosis.
Benign Stomach Tumor – Chinese Herbal Treatment by Malaysia Chinese Master |
What about treatment with Chinese herbal medicine?
The traditional Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture techniques can only reduce the size of the cancer cells and prolong the life of a cancer patient. According to the research of Malaysia Chinese Master, the herbal medicines used are free from any harmful side effects to patients. Thus, if a patient in a manner that herbal medication and follow the advice of the Chinese Master, may the disease will be reduced.
Chinese Master uses a so-called Sabah Snake Grass cancer herbs or also known as “Yu Xun Cao”, it has been widely used in Malaysia and other Asia countries to treat dampness, heaty conditions, cancer, tumors, uric acid, gout, urinates renopathies (disease of the kidney) and uterine fibroid.
Sabah Snake Grass in traditional Chinese cancer herbs medicine for over thousands of years, is usually decoction into herbal drink together with other types of herbs to treats diseases mentioned and uremia for kidney patient primarily and to reduce of urine toxic.
Sabah Snake Grass is a cooling herbs. Taking too much of Sabah Snake Grass, your weak body might cannot accept this, so bad side effect will appear. The bad side effect can be avoid, if you combine it with some other chinese herbal. Chinese Master may combined the Sabah Snake Grass with other Chinese herbal, this can help to avoid bad side effect and boost up the effect of the Sabah Snake Grass.
The recovery rates depends on the grade, stages and types of cancer, the location cancer, the size of cancer,how long that cancer are happen and also age and patients general health. So, it’s up to you to choose the appropriate treatment to treat the disease but preferably it should be remembered come meet with Chinese Master early so that the disease can be controlled before spreading to other organs. Chinese Master used to say, “Where there is desire, there is a way …”
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